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Mommy Dilemma of the Week

Monday, July 11, 2005

Week #4:

When should you begin potty training? What helpful tips can you share?

9 tattled:

  • At 7/11/2005 9:03 PM, Blogger Kim said…

    Great question! I need to know this too. lol

  • At 7/11/2005 10:00 PM, Blogger BayouMaMa said…

    When somebody figures it out, let me know. My son thinks his potty is a coaster...I am constantly finding his sippy cup in it. Yuck!

  • At 7/12/2005 3:31 AM, Blogger Kim said…

    LOL Bayoumama! Gross!

  • At 7/12/2005 9:24 AM, Blogger MarylandMommy said…

    All of my friends went through this before me so I had many "ideas" thrown at me. I felt like such a failure when it didn't work right away. We tried (constantly) from age 3 to 3 & 5 months before it really clicked. He just turned 3 1/2 & is doing really well. I guess every child is different & will do it when they are ready. The most frustrating thing to me was Seth was writing his name & controlling the computer mouse (very well) BEFORE he was potty trained!!! Go figure!!!

  • At 7/12/2005 9:24 AM, Blogger Mary said…

    OK.. So my son turned two in February.. Since then we have had the potty chair out and ready.. He has occasionally sat down on it and peed. Just recently (within the last month) we have started wearing real undies on him when we are home.. and truly pushing the potty.. We praise him alot when he goes but don't correct him when he has an accident.. We just say things like 'Aren't you supposed to use the potty' This is how we potty trained our two girls, but for some reason they just seemed easier. Good luck with the potty thing!

  • At 7/12/2005 9:55 AM, Blogger the seeker said…

    I think this is a universal question with a thousand answers. Praise for successes and good tries and that's ok's, you'll do better next time for the oops. Big boy undies and big girl panties sometimes make a difference. Target practise with cheerios floating in the bowl is always fun. Stickers on the refrigerator to show Daddy how many times they were big boys and girls and went to the potty all by themselves sometimes works. Consistency. Making it a priority to concentrate on potty training may mean staying at home for the week near the potty so you can scoot to the bathroom in a second's notice. There are books to read about the subject and great advice out there but I guess it all comes down to this. Our kids will be potty trained when they are ready. We can help them along as best we can and pray for our patience level during the process! Believe me when I say it does happen sooner or later!

  • At 7/12/2005 11:06 AM, Blogger LAMommyof3 said…

    I can't get over how different my three kids are. My oldest son was potty trained in one day - no accidents since. He was almost three and one day I just put him in underwear. He wet a few times, didn't like the feeling and that was it! My youngest son (he'll be 6 in 2 weeks) still has accidents - often. I took him to the pediatrician and they did a urinalysis, but found nothing. My daughter will be 2 in 2 weeks (she and her big brother have birthdays 3 days apart) and we are trying to introduce the potty to her. She used it once, but that's it. She loves to sit on it, but doesn't "use" it. Since she is my only girl, I know training her will be a little different. Thanks for all of your thoughts!

  • At 7/12/2005 4:51 PM, Blogger {LyndsD} said…

    Hi here from Kim's site... I am going through this too... If you find anything that works please let me know. :o) Awesome site!

  • At 7/17/2005 9:06 AM, Blogger BayouMaMa said…

    Well, I've been working on this a little more with Riley and I think he's getting the idea. I take him right when he wakes up and every 1-2 hours after that.'s tiring. ;-) I sit him on the potty, diaperless of course. If he at least sits down and is cooperative, he gets to pick out a sticker to put on his hand (which he loves to do). If he happens to "go," I give him a cookie. I know, I know,...I shouldn't bribe him with food. But he's made the connection and now "fake pees" and asks for a cookie. So, I'm going to stick with this and hopefully he'll catch on when he returns to daycare as well.


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