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Thursday - Trash Day

Thursday, January 19, 2006

I grabbed this idea from PM (go over and check out her blog!) and it looks fun, so here goes...

Thirty-seven days until we go to Disney World - I can't wait!!

Right now I'm reading The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. I've assigned it as a book report and now I've got to read it, too! ;)

American Idol is one of my favorite shows - it cracks me up!!

Sooo tired today. I've been staying up really late!

Hopefully things will get back to normal soon. I never would have imagined that Katrina would STILL be affecting us in Louisiana!

Didn't realize this would be hard! ;)

Anyone who knows me knows I LOVE chocolate!!

You have got to watch LOST on ABC if you haven't watched it before. It is AWESOME!!

2 tattled:

  • At 1/20/2006 8:59 AM, Blogger Renee said…

    I'm starting to plan a trip to Disney for the summer. I hope it actually happens!
    I love American Idol too; missed it Tuesday but I caught it Wednesday and laughed so hard, I almost peed in my pants!

  • At 1/21/2006 2:00 PM, Blogger BayouMaMa said…

    That did look hard!

    It's so wierd...cuz it's like I could have written this. *chuckle*

    Oh my gosh! There are so many great shows to watch right now. I also love LOST and American Idol (but you already know that).

    I also love Dancing with the Stars and although I'm a little embarassed to admit it...I really like The Bachelor. I can't help it...I'm a hopeless romantic.


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