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Look, I'm Like Mommy

Saturday, January 07, 2006

I came across this picture today, and forgot that I had wanted to post about it. :)

I was getting ready to go to dinner and was straightening my hair. My daughter got a little makeup set for Christmas, and in it was a play straightener. She saw me doing my hair and ran out to get hers. She came in and said "Look, I'm like Mommy!" I yelled for my husband to grab the camera. She is such a cutie...

It amazes me how our kids watch us, imitate us and want to be just like us. It's a joy to watch - like in this picture, but also comes with great responsibility. Are my actions and words such that I would WANT my daughter to emulate them?

This is what Christ meant when he told us we are to come to him like little children - ready to imitate his every word and action, longing to be just like him, having great faith and trust in him.

It's amazing what you can learn by watching a child.

2 tattled:

  • At 1/09/2006 8:28 PM, Blogger BayouMaMa said…

    Hmmm...sometimes I see in my kids the very things in myself that I'm not proud of. They really do reflect our own images back at us. I think the Lord can use this to change areas in our life that we know deep down need fixin'.

    Thankfully, they do also reflect us in other in your sweet picture. It is a great responsibility...and an everyday challenge to imitate Christ and hope that it has a ripple effect on our impressionable young oness.

  • At 1/13/2006 10:47 AM, Blogger MarylandMommy said…



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