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Busy, Busy, Busy

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Wow - I can't believe it's been over a week since I last posted. The last week has been crazy!!

After Hurricane Katrina one of our teachers' husbands lost his job, so she relocated to Phoenix. That left an open spot in our 5th grade class. Now, for those of you who have been reading my blog for a while, you all know that earlier this summer I was moved from 6th grade down to 1st grade this year and I was NOT too happy about it. 1st graders are PRECIOUS, but I just prefer teaching the older kids. Anyway, I taught 1st grade for a few weeks, and 2 hurricanes later I have moved to 5th grade. Today was my second day and I LOVE IT!!!! I was worried about how my little 6 year olds would react when they found out they were getting a new teacher, but they seemed to be okay about it. We tried to make it a very smooth transition, and so far so good. The new teacher is really nice. She was working at a private Kindergarten center in New Orleans, and Katrina flooded her school, then it was looted, and burned down!!

I'm still amazed at how my life has changed after these storms...Phone and internet are still spotty - I didn't have either over the weekend. We still can only shop at Walmart from 6 to 6 and they are now letting in 30-40 people at a time. McDonald's is only open for Drive Thru, and closes at 7. Many people still have piles of debris in front of their homes. The mail service is totally unreliable. I took some pictures of my city now a month after Katrina. It seems that she will be with us for at least a few more months. They are finally starting to let people into New Orleans. Many of them are getting there through our area, so our once quiet parish is now busting at the seams with people!!

The line in front of Walmart - notice several letters on the sign were blown off.

These trucks are everywhere.

McDonald's is only open from 7 to 7 - Drive thru only

L-O-O-O-O-N-G line for FEMA.

Our church sign blew out.

Shell station

I don't mean to complain. I know this could have been so much worse! It's just that my life and community have been changed forever!! I am so ready for life to return to normal -- like being able to go shopping! :)

Anyway, how was your weekend?

3 tattled:

  • At 10/05/2005 9:58 AM, Blogger Mandy said…

    I'd have to say that my weekend was peachy. After 2 1/2 hours at the vet (routine check up for Mama Jenny and her 5 kittens), we had a super late evening on Saturday. My hubby was working on his website until 2 am. We couldn't go to sleep so we got up and went to Shari's for breakfast- got home at 4 am and crashed for the rest of the day. We didn't even do grocery shopping until Monday! We had planned to go to the church we're checking out for our second visit, but I woke up 15 min. before service was to start and my husband was still sawing logs.
    It's a great congregation, it feels homey. Also, the first day we visited they were doing a car-wash/ contriubution collection for Post Katrina Aid.

  • At 10/06/2005 6:40 AM, Blogger BayouMaMa said…

    Hey! Great pictures! It really shows what it's like out here.

    Well, you know that Jonah misses you...but he will adjust to his new teacher.

    And of course, I miss you working on my "end of school"...but I am happy that you are doing what makes you the most happy.

    You remained faithful to your calling, and God gave you the desires of your heart. I'm glad things worked out for you.

  • At 10/07/2005 11:30 AM, Blogger {LyndsD} said…

    Oh I am so glad that things worked out for you! Great pics. I am so sorry it is still like that out there. Wish I oculd twinkle my nose and make it better. Until God entrusts those powers to me I will just have to continue to pray. :o)

    Hope you have a great weekend!! :o)


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