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It's coming...UPDATE

Friday, September 23, 2005


Well, we are still here! :) We've had 3 tornado sirens go off so far today (I HATE THOSE!!). We've had some gusty winds, in the 35 - 45 mph range, and the sky looks UGLY, but overall we are making out okay. Remember the tree that was on my dad's house that we thought caused no breach of his roof? Well my mom called and said that they now have a large water spot on the ceiling in their bedroom. All the rain we're getting today is slowly dripping in through their roof into the attic right above their bedroom. Hopefully it will not come through the ceiling! There is also another breach in a canal in New Orleans dumping A LOT of water back into areas that flooded for Katrina. So sad...

Thanks so much to all of you for keeping us in your prayers - it means SO much! If we can just make it through the next 4 or so hours and get out of the tornado watch area I will be feeling better. More updates later!

8:30 AM

Okay, this is a scary sight!

Rita may be down in the Gulf of Mexico, but she sure is making her presence known this morning. We just had a little squall here, and in a little while a large band will be coming through. I'm not sure if this will work or not, but here is the radar loop for our area.

Still praying for a major weakness before landfall in TX/LA!!

3 tattled:

  • At 9/23/2005 9:46 AM, Blogger {LyndsD} said…

    Wow that is super scary... My thoughts and prayers are definitely with you and your family and friends! Please keep us posted on you all are. If you need anything please feel free to let me know.


    ~Love your Twin~

  • At 9/23/2005 2:46 PM, Blogger BayouMaMa said…

    Hey! This whole siren thing is rattling my nerves...everything is making me jumpy. I hate the waiting! I hope your parents house holds up...we are watching our water spot very closely, too.
    Call if you need or know something that I don't! ;-)

  • At 9/24/2005 6:51 AM, Blogger MarylandMommy said…

    Thanks for the update. Still hoping & praying things are going ok & that there is no further damage.


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