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Hurricane Update

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Today was our first Sunday back to church. It was so nice to actually do something "normal"! :) Our phones are still not working, but the internet is fine (aside from a couple of mini outages). We are still under curfew, but now it is 10 pm to 5 am instead of 8 to 6, and they are much more lenient about it now. There are still National Guard at the Wal-Mart (which is only open a few hours a day), but aside from that things are starting to settle down around here. Tomorrow I have a teacher's meeting at 10 to discuss getting back to school - students are supposed to start back on Wednesday. I kind of dread going back because we've actually been out of school longer than we were IN school (in school 10 days, out of school total of 11 school days by Wednesday) - the kids are going to be so confused! :) But, again, it will be nice to get back into a routine.

I went to my mom and dad's house yesterday (a couple of blocks away) to see the tree that fell on their roof for myself, and I couldn't believe my eyes!!! I can't belive that the massive tree that hit their house did not end up INSIDE the house! Here are a few pictures I took of the tree...

The tree actually bent in half and cracked down the middle!

This is the picture of the tree on Dad's roof after he had already cut back quite a few limbs!

Dad's house as seen from a ladder!

God is so good!!! Can you belive that there was no water in the house at all?

4 tattled:

  • At 9/12/2005 9:46 AM, Blogger {LyndsD} said…

    That is simply a MIRACLE! I thank God daily that you all are safe and for the continued safety of everyone involved. Thank you for the update and it is good to have you back online. :o) If you need anything please don't hesistate to ask. So glad things are slowly getting back to "normal" for you. Keep us updated. And good luck with going back to school. I am sure the children will be ready for their "routines" to be back too and a sidetrack to what is going on outside of the school walls.

    *Huge Hugs and Prayers to you all!!!*

  • At 9/12/2005 6:54 PM, Blogger Refreshment in Refuge said…

    Praise God from Whom all blessings flow! I keep hearing some fabulous stories about how things were perserved and left untouched even though everthing around it was demolished. I see the fingerprints of God all over this! Great to have you back.

  • At 9/13/2005 1:16 AM, Blogger BayouMaMa said…

    I knew you'd still be up playing on the computer. *chuckled*

    I love the "tattled" comment! It's so fitting!

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for helping me and creating such a beautiful banner for me! I love it! {{hugs}}

  • At 9/13/2005 10:42 AM, Blogger MarylandMommy said…

    Love the new look!!!!


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