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What happened to my baby?

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Can someone please tell me when my baby became a little girl?!?

It seems like she started growing up overnight!

8 tattled:

  • At 10/18/2005 9:31 PM, Blogger BayouMaMa said…

    What a little angel! I can relate...Riley informed me just last week..."I not baby, I big boy." WHAAA!!!

    It goes by too fast, and I'm sometimes too tired to enjoy the ride.

    BTW, when did you find the time to make a new header? I love it!

  • At 10/20/2005 11:41 AM, Blogger Humor Girl said…

    Sniff.... :*(

  • At 10/21/2005 4:24 PM, Blogger {LyndsD} said…

    Oh isn't she just the cutest!!!

    Sorry I have been such a bad twin! :( Not enough time in the day anymore. Forgive me?

    Hope you have a great weekend!!!

  • At 10/21/2005 7:34 PM, Blogger LAMommyof3 said…

    Of course I forgive you, twin! :) I've been busy with school, too. I haven't been able to get online as much as I've wanted to, either. Hopefully things will slow down soon - for both of us! :)

  • At 10/24/2005 4:36 PM, Blogger {LyndsD} said…

    Thanks girl!!! Hope they slow down for you! :o) Miss see your updates, but completely understand the time issue. LOL. Talk to you soon!!! :o)

  • At 10/26/2005 6:05 PM, Blogger Gina said…

    As a new blogger and mom to @ I loved your sight. Hope things are going well for your family now. Check out my blog at


  • At 10/30/2005 12:40 PM, Blogger MarylandMommy said…

    Cute, Cute, Cute!!!

  • At 11/08/2005 9:39 AM, Blogger Amber said…

    Hello! I stumbled across your blog this morning and started reading a bit. What caught my eye is that this post is titled "What happened to my baby?". This is EXACTLY what I titled my post on Sept. 2/05 :) Our babies don't stay babies for long! May God bless you as you raise your children for Him!

    Also, regarding your most recent post, my Mom & Dad in-law are in Alabama right now for a couple of weeks with Mennonite Disaster Services, helping people fix up their houses and stuff. It is hard for me to imagine the devestation that took place during the hurricane, but having them share what they are doing to help makes it seem more real. I will definitely keep this in my I can pray for your family too! Take Care!


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