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Question of the week

Monday, October 10, 2005

What kind of afterschool habits work best for your children? How do you encourage your child to do homework?

4 tattled:

  • At 10/15/2005 5:58 PM, Blogger MarylandMommy said…

    Hey you!!! Love the new look at the top of your blog! Things have been so crazy & I haven't been blogging lately. Hope all is well & I plan to be blogging again soon!!!

  • At 10/17/2005 11:10 PM, Blogger Humor Girl said…

    Your blog continues to morph! Be so careful! IT's is SUPER addicting until you get it right!!

  • At 10/18/2005 3:53 PM, Blogger LAMommyof3 said…

    You are so right, HG!!

  • At 10/18/2005 9:36 PM, Blogger BayouMaMa said…

    I don't have the answer...but what's been working for us is that Jonah is given one hour of free time right when we get home. He can watch T.V., play with his toys and his brother, eat a snack...anything to unwind from a long day at school.

    The agreement is if he cooperates and gets started when I say, "Get started," he continues to get his hour. If not, he loses five minutes of the next day's free time. It decreases as all depends on his cooperation.


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