Calling All Moms of ADHD Kids...
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
My husband and I are struggling right now with our 6 year old son. He has shown signs of ADHD since he was 2 years old. Being a first grade teacher, I've worked with several kids who have this disorder and am very familiar with it. I have put off getting him evaluated for a very long time...I guess because it's hard to admit your child has a problem. He is such a precious child, and very loving. But he has a terrible problem with not being able to attend to important details, not being able to follow through on directions, not being able to sit still ANYWHERE, etc., etc., etc. We finally saw his doctor last week and she gave us some paperwork to fill out. I guess the point of this post is to ask if there are other parents like us out there. If the testing comes back positive that he does in fact have ADHD (and I'm quite confident it will), what next? I'm not sure how I feel about medication, though I have seen several students respond fairly well to it. We are going back to the doctor next week, this time with my son, to get the results and talk about what the next step will be. My son doesn't even know what's going on yet. His doctor suggested that we sit him down and talk to him about it this week. I don't even know what we're going to say yet... Any advice out there? What works - what doesn't work? Thanks so much for your help!
6 tattled:
At 7/27/2005 5:21 PM,
{LyndsD} said…
Oh my twin I wish I could be there to help talk you through this. I have a nephew (he's about the same age) who is medicated and let me tell it was the best thing we could have ever done. I am not to rush to the idea of trying the meds but in his case it works wonders. He is like a completely different kid. However it took a while to find the exact med that worked the best. But once they did it was fine. They told him he was more hyper then most and to help him to learn better he needed to take his "vitamins" every day. Now granted when he gets older they will tell him excatly what it is, but for right now he doesn't fight taking the meds and thinks that they are vitamins.
Maybe your son won't need meds. That would be awesome. I wish I knew the right words to help make it better for you. If you need anything or just want to vent or cry please just let me know. I am here for you. :o) I am totally praying for you and your family through this difficult time. I am sure God will guide you to find the right words and path to take. :o) ~Your Twin~ ;o)
At 7/27/2005 8:46 PM,
Refreshment in Refuge said…
How perfectly rotten that is. I want to share something to make a point. (One you know already, I'm sure, but, one we all need to hear often.)
A friend of mine came down with cancer (the very bad kind). She smoked for years and it started in her lungs, spread to her liver and into her lymph nodes. She was eaten up with it and the doctors basically said they would do what they could but there really wasn't any hope because no one had ever survived this kind of cancer. Well, you guessed it, our church started praying for her and her daughter reported tonight that she got an excellent report back from the doctor today. All the cancer is gone except for a little spot on her shoulder which they will probably treat with radiation. The point? Prayer works. I'm not talkin' 'bout the "Lord if it be Thy will please help this person." I'm talkin' 'bout the "Lord for Your glory please heal this person." James said we don't get a lot because we don't ask a lot.
I will be praying on this with you!
Father, we ask that You look upon your child and for Your glory, heal him. Help them be able to say to all the doctors and to friends and to lost people, "Look what the Lord did! A Miracle!" We ask these things in Jesus name and for His sake and for His glory. Amen.
At 7/27/2005 8:51 PM,
MarylandMommy said…
I don't have any advice on the subject.....but I am praying for you & your family. **Big hugs**
At 7/28/2005 8:53 AM,
BayouMaMa said…
Hey! I wish I had an answer for this one...I'm here if you need to talk/vent. I agree with Gina...prayer changes things and he is made in God's image and for God's glory and I am asking God to do something miraculous. With's impossible. But with God, all things are possible! Love ya!
At 7/28/2005 10:20 AM,
Bill & Glory said…
Elizabeth displays all the right indicators for ADHD and we have decided not to obtain a diagnosis and not to use medication. I have come to re-label it as Interest Diversity Energy/Activity Surplus. IDEAS sounds so much nicer than ADHD. Whether a parent opts to use meds or not the behavioral modifications always have to be in place. Do your research and find out if he would respond just as well if not better to non-medicinal treatment.
There wasn't a glitch in the works when God created him this way. He will serve a mighty purpose if his IDEAS are directed.
At 7/28/2005 4:26 PM,
{LyndsD} said…
Hey girl.... you're welcome for the ideas. Any time. :o) I think that is a good idea to give small rewards at the end of the each day and the big reward at the end of the week. Thanks for that idea. :o)
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