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So This is Normal?

Friday, June 03, 2005

In the evening when I crawl into bed and reflect on the day's happenings (juice cups spilled, children fighting, something broken, clothing soiled, etc., etc., etc.) I sometimes find myself saying, "Is this normal?"

Is it normal to feel completely exhausted after "parenting" all day?
Is it normal for my sons to have to be reminded a million times a day to keep their rooms clean?
Is it normal to put the toddler in front of the TV for an hour just so I can get some housework done?
Is it normal to feel like I don't know what the heck I'm doing sometimes?

The answer to all of these questions is an unequivocal YES.

I have to admit it: sometimes I watch SuperNanny just so that I can feel better about my own relationship with my children. :) That's when I realize that I don't have it so bad - I'm not a failure. Being a parent is not easy, nor will it ever become easy. Growing up watching shows like Donna Reed and Leave it to Beaver (on Nick at Nite - I'm not that old) kind of makes you feel like you have to be perfect to be a successful parent. But being a good parent is recognizing that YOU aren't perfect and your CHILDREN aren't perfect, but you have to do the job anyway.

God did not make a mistake when He created me. He created my children to complement me, knowing my weaknesses, knowing my failures, and knowing my inconsistencies. My job is to recognize those things and work on them, and in the meantime to realize that I'm not a failure -- I am normal.

I just don't want to stay that way.

3 tattled:

  • At 6/03/2005 5:38 PM, Blogger MarylandMommy said…

    I only have one & I am exhausted each night! Great posts!

  • At 6/06/2005 11:55 AM, Blogger Tina said…

    I love this ..."God did not make a mistake when He created me. He created my children to complement me, knowing my weaknesses, knowing my failures, and knowing my inconsistencies. My job is to recognize those things and work on them, and in the meantime to realize that I'm not a failure -- I am normal."

    A friend of mine put it this way...your children are created for your sin. The purpose of parenthood (or any other hood we find ourselves in) is sanctification...and of course God's glory!

    Getting that is a HUGE step in the right, sadly, many parents I know have yet to take. Praise God for His kindness in showing you this!

  • At 7/17/2005 8:43 AM, Blogger BayouMaMa said…

    Hey...I realized I never commented on this one. This was a great post, and I agree with FreeInHim94 and you about our kids complementing us. And we thought we were the ones teaching our kids something! ;-)


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